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Viva Scrapper...Hot rod girl with a nasty knitting habit

Your friendly neighborhood Hot Rodding, Rock and Rolling, Knitting Chick! Yeah, I'm fun like that.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


So at SNB the other night I whipped out my latest WIP (my central park hoodie is way coming along thanks) and when asked what I was working on I got this reaction from my answer..."Oh another Central park" followed by lots of back tracking and fear that my feeling would be hurt (they're not)
It got me thinking...I'm a follower Knitter. I see other people's projects and say Ooooh I want one!
I was going to cast on for a Tangled Yoke but then I thought why do I have to knit what every other knitter on the whole planet is knitting. Why not stray from the pack a here it is!

I got the pattern the other day via e-mail and I'm really's knit in a totally unique way and it's going to look great with my discount pure cashmere, plus it has a garter stitch rib...I usually despise garter stitch (It always looks hokey to me) but this is done in a way that looks classy and finished!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Yesterday was the last day of Oktoberfest at the Phoenix Club. Holy cow if you haven't done Oktoberfest at the Phoenix club with a gaggle of Germans you haven't LIVED!
My liver still hurts and I've gained like 10 pounds from all the Schnitzel but it was soooooo good. If we lived closer we'd totally get a membership there but Anaheim is just too far to drive.
Also I got a package closeout cashmere came. I love the stuff but this brand comes in 50 yard hanks and usually is WAY overpriced but WEBS has it for like 8 bucks a hank. I'm not sure if I'm going to have enough and OF course they're out of my color (black) so I guess I'm gonna swatch and see what I can do.
I WAS gonna post a bunc of photos but instead I'm going to the gym! YAY GYM where I can listen to my NPR podcasts in peace!

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Saturday, October 27, 2007


It's been a grey cool gloomy day which is SO appropriate since Halloween is being celebrated in the Scrapper Household. Well at our buddies household in BellFlower to be exact.
I'm dusting off my costume from last year since I didnt get it together to think of anything good this year.

Friday, October 26, 2007


After 3 weeks on (fun)employment I've officially started the job hunt. Yay job hunt. I've been doing some creative financing because i "may" be "looking" to "Purchase" another car in the future. I don't want to say anything to jinx it but I've had this idea for a home build that would knock your socks off, and those take money...more money than I have coming in at the moment s. I'm so money savy.
In other news,
went to the farmers market for snb. It was nice...I hadn't been in a while...I drank beer and chatted but I'm not sure which one contributed the most to me mucking up my cable repeats and having to rip back 3 times. I can't help it...with good beer and good conversation all in one place one gets a bit more distracted than say Knitting while watching the news.
I wish I had taken a picture of the Bannana squash they had down at one of the veggie stands...I would have bought it but...what does one do with a bannana squash. They're HUGE! Maybe a giant caldron of Bannana Squash Soup?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Save the date!

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Be there!

Bad Liver Weekend?

Not really allthough many many Beers were consumed on Sunday.
We went to my friend's annual Pumpkin Party where the beer and booze flowed like booze and beer! Our friend Justin won second place for his "Beer Goggle" Jack O' Lantern.
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Can you feel the creativity in the air.

It was fun...we ate, drank, played DJ with everyones i-pods and watched my friends argue and ended up slicing my finger open on the brody knob of my car...dammit.

oh and I got some knitting done.
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Here's a had for the Rad Bad Beanie club (aka my pre new years resolutiion is to decrease the stash)...I'm getting there I have projects set for about 2/3rds of it. All that Clip Cotton is going to be reusable grocery bags for Kubo...she said she wants some.

Also there's some serious progress on the Central Park not gonna be a hoodie. I decided to make it with a collar jst becase I want it to be a snuggle by the fire sweater and I don't think I will have enough yarn to do the hood.
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in all it's poorly lit un blocked glory!
Hooray actual knitting content!
Oooh and I got a hotel room for the Crusin Nationals! All right! Santa Maria here I come.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

what a drag

So I got back from the Drag Races in Bakersfield Sunday anyone in the area knows that there was a HORRIBLE accident on the 5 freeway frida night. I think it was somthing like 12 big rigs. Horrible.
So Saturday morning on the way from Los Angeles there was a strange detour and people driving like jerks cause they are very important and they have business at 6am on a saturday that is so important it warrants cutting off multiple cars on a 2 lane road and driving in the turn lane and flipping us off.
Anyways the drags were AWESOME!
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I had a bunch of other photos but I can't find them.
We drank beer and cheered and got to walk on the track and later boogied down till the break of dawn at various parties and bars.
Creepy story though.
I was in line for the bathroom at this one party. It was taking whoever was in there a REALLY Loooooooong time. Anyways the door opens and this woman who could only be described at the tallest woman I've ever seen (maybe it's cause I'm very short) comes out. Ok so I go into the bathroom. I shut the door and check my lipstick in the mirror on the back of the door, I'm certainly glad I hesitated for a moment cause just then the shower curtain comes flying open and a guy comes bursting out apologizing and explaining that he was in there to spy on the previous person not me.
Wierd and a bit gross and creepy. So the moral of the story is to always check the shower before you pee.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Central park is moving along

I've totally been putting off all my other responsibilities to work on the central park hoodie and look...I'm almost done with the back. I so want this done for Thanksgiving you don't even know.

Anyways what else is new...Oh I went to the Luau for the Lowdown in San Pedro. It was fun. We had awesome BBQ and hung out by the water with cars and beer and good people.

Beachy goodness.
i have alot of photos of us walking around taken from way far away by the DSB.

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Monday, October 08, 2007

Central Park!

Look at me and my actaul knitting content.
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I started the Central Park Hoodie form the Fall 2006 Knitscene. It's actually come a bit farther than the picture cause it's a fairly fast enjoyable knit.
I tried knitting this bout a year ago when i was at the LYS and it was fun cause it annoyed my boss who was one of those hight and mighty knitters and the patrons of the shop would go ga ga over things like cables and shoulder shaping ignoring her billionth large rectangle made into a garmet (not that theres anything wrong with that....I have several of those I whip out on occassion)

Anyways the yarn I was using I think was made of poison oak and paper casue it was rought and itchy and about as strong as cottong was crap I got on the SERIOUS cheap...ou really do get what you pay for.
My latest attempt is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in Hyacinth. It's made in Peru...Ok so I have a soft spot for Peru cause the DSB is half Peruvian and his sweet awesome mother is from Lima as is half his family...a bunch of them still live in Lima. Fortunalty after the recent quakes there his famly is allright. I like supporting Peru.

In other news look what I finally got some photos of:
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those darned green socks....yes I finished them, blocked them and am waiting to give them to their new owner the wonderful miss Amamda my friends daughter....she has big feets like me so I'll know they're gonna fit.

And let me leave you with a roller derby shot...go FIGHT CREW
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