Go felt yourself
So I'm back from Ventura and the wonderful most awesome and dramatic Primer National car show weekend extravangaza!
Why dramatic...well let me give you the rundown.
All in all the show was a blast. I hung out with the girls, drank some beer, ate some of K's awesome car shows gormet snack food that she is well known for. Got loads of compliments on my car...allthough no trophy this time but I was WAY out matched by a 49 Hudson truck for the Orphan catagory so I'm not totally bummed. We hung out with some of our favorite Hooligan friends for a while...gotta love those guys. Saw my friend Stina and we planned to take the Masked Wrestling world by storm if we could just figure out how to to the atomic elbow without actaully destroying to planet in the process.
The Drama part comes in Saturday night...well actaully Sunday afternoon. Saturday Night we noticed that a member of our party (NIK) was M.I.A. We figured well he probably met up with some friends (Or a cute girl) and found a place to stay with them. Kinda a bummber cause we did some fancy room swapping so he could have his own bed.
So the next day after the show R and I were at the Souplantation off the 101 freeway when we get a call...From Nik....From jail or the street corner just outside. Yup our little buddy got busted for a DUI (don't drink and drive) and spent the weekend in the Pokie. Poor guy. The Impounded his car and we spend yesterday driving back to Ventura to get it. He's lucky he has friends that love him.
Oh but Monday we had a really great BBQ and all of our friends came over and it was a blast. Minimal clean up.
I've been working like a fiend on the Bag for the Felting class tomorrow. I'm trying to finish a smaller version for R's Niece in time to felt it there as we have a front loading washer that's not ideal for felting.
Pics Soon
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