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Viva Scrapper...Hot rod girl with a nasty knitting habit

Your friendly neighborhood Hot Rodding, Rock and Rolling, Knitting Chick! Yeah, I'm fun like that.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Drunken Knitting

I'm doing the decrease section on this shawl I'm making for my mom and I realised that cheap pinot grigio and row counting do not mix.
I think I've sorta fixed the situation...hopefully the wonky edge will be straightened out by forceful blocking and much swearing and praying.
I have 9 more days to finish this thing before I block it. I figure due to it's sheer size (it's freaking giant she better like it or I'll be forced to fight her)it's going to take a few days to totally dry. I haven't told the Dear Sweet BF that I'm taking over the computer room floor and all of the black bath towels for 4 days.
In other news...I have tons of lemon cucumbers if anyone wants them. I'm the master gardener. I also have tomato's out the wazoo and a few bell peppers that shall eventually ripen if I massage them and promise to take them to hawaii.
Also I've been toying with the idea of buildning a 34 truck.
I've put the idea in Nick's head and he said he'd keep an eye out for me. Hee hee hee.


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