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Viva Scrapper...Hot rod girl with a nasty knitting habit

Your friendly neighborhood Hot Rodding, Rock and Rolling, Knitting Chick! Yeah, I'm fun like that.

Friday, June 29, 2007


So last night my post was patchy at best...I was very very very tired.
I just wanted to Say I met some Totally Wicked Awesome knitters last night. I met a woman who is literally crocheting a river...her goal is to have it fill a room...I'll see if I can get some photos of this thing it's pretty neat. I'm so going back.

So we're getting ready to take a trip to Oregon for a few days of laying by the lake, drinking Huge ammounts of beer and BBQ'n. I think the DSB (Dear Sweet Boyfriend) is really looking forward to a few days of absolutly nothing.

we've employed the neighbor to house sit a bit for us so anyone thinking now's the time to break in and steal the Pizza Hut Commerative Shreck glasses just want to let you know...they're watching!


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