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Viva Scrapper...Hot rod girl with a nasty knitting habit

Your friendly neighborhood Hot Rodding, Rock and Rolling, Knitting Chick! Yeah, I'm fun like that.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I Voted, and I didn't have to wait in line

So I went to my local polling place today. It's at a residence about a block from my house. At 8:45 I took my Ipod, some knitting and a coffee over there and to my surprise there was nobody in line out front. I grabbed my purse (left the knitting and coffee inside the car) and started walking over tot he place. There was another couple getting out of their car right beside the house, and when they saw me they TOTALLY did the "Grocery Store Hustle". You know what I mean, when your in the grocery store with your cart heading towards the shortest line and someone else sees that your heading there and they do the "frantic fast walk" to try and beat you there. Yeah it was a couple and the driver of the car totally left his female sidekick in the car so he could try and run to beat me in line.
Seriously there were 6 booths and 2 were occupied. I know that the guy was in trouble cause as he was signing in the female sidekick came in and loudly whispered something along the lines of "What the fuck? you couldn't have waited for me?"
Democracy waits for no man or woman I suppose.
Also I totally got a free glass of wine for wearing my "I voted" sticker. I feel like I was bribed to vote.
Also how many times can I POSSIBLY put things in "quotes"?
In knitting news....guess who finished her first LARGE SCALE lace project. THIS BITCH!!!!!


At 8:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a babysitter so I could vote, and the line was no longer than five minutes!


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