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Viva Scrapper...Hot rod girl with a nasty knitting habit

Your friendly neighborhood Hot Rodding, Rock and Rolling, Knitting Chick! Yeah, I'm fun like that.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Baby Takes a Trophy!

First off I'm so proud I could burst...The Baby won a trophy for the motorcycle he built at the Grand National Roadster show (this is like a big deal show so it's a big deal win), and he so deserved it. Rudi and I hooted and hollered and embarrassed him just like good parents should. Congrats Nick! You rock man!
In knitting news Saturday was my last day at the LYS. Moving on to bigger things! I did make one last dicounted purchase...I bought every size pom pom maker on the planet, enough sock yarn to make a pair of knee socks and some dpns.
I'm also making a cabeled scarf out of the Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Superchunky I got at Yarn Garden (I'm a traitor I know) for a friend who used to be my enemy's birthday...I'm such a god person! It's soft and red and chunky cause even though I'm the tiny needle girl sometimes you need some chunk in you life! SLOTH LOVE CHUNK!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Crying and Knitting

Due to the post office being a bunch of slack asses and me being a total irresponsible twat I have missed 2 payments on my credit card bill. Credit fucked, dream of qualifing for a loan to buy a house gone. I'm going to live in the valley for ever. No view, no trees, no sunny patio to drink tea on. Just me proving my family right.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Back Finished now off to Sin City

So last night I went to SnB in the Farmers Market with Alyssa and finished yhe back portion of the central park hoodie.
This sweater knits up super fast for size 7 needles. It took me a little over a week and a half to finish the back portion...I'll totally have this done before Paso this year.
In other news I started the right front so that I'll have somthing to knit ont he way to Vegas, and Sam's Wedding and Punk rock bowling this weekend. This was Rudi's Idea. He offered to drive so I could knit along the way, yet another reason I adore this man. We're also going to Gamble and drink and chain smoke there. We're betting on teh Saints vs. Chicago game Sunday.
We;re also usuing the new GPS directions thing I got from the folks for x-mas. It's pretty boss.
you just enter in an address and it gives you step by step instructions on how to get there....with an Australian accent by the way. I'm naming her Sydney casue she's an Aussie.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sock it Too Me

So I've never ever really been a Sock person till I saw this
How fucking rad is this.
Since I'm only gong to be at the yarn store for another 2 weeks I should buy a shit load of yarn with my discount asap.
In other cabelie news the Central park had to undergo another ripping session as I only cabled 3 of my four cables so there I was frogging back 10's better to do that now then to finish the whole damn thing and notice how LAME it looks all lop sided.
I think I may hit up the Burbank Stitch and Bitch this evening.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

No pics but take my word for it

The Central Park Hoodie is WAY coming along even though I long ago stopped paying atttention to the cable chartso the cabels are uneven at best and I am using the scratchy yarn from Ireland I bought on e-bay.
It's great...I'm alomost done with the back allthough last night I realised that I had seriously screwed up my decreases. I'm so going to have it doen by Paso this year. My goal is to finish it before the car show....Last year It was so freakin' cold andI lost my voice so I decided that the perfect project would be a nice, wooley, cabelie sweater to wear under my club jacket and keep me toasty at 5 am when I'm trying to get a good spot on the lawn with my car.
Paso is gonna be great.
Oh and on other news look for my car on in the near future. The lovely Miss Dayna deLuxe is posing with my car....she's a sweetheart.