Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Viva Scrapper...Hot rod girl with a nasty knitting habit: January 2008 Viva Scrapper...Hot rod girl with a nasty knitting habit: January 2008

Viva Scrapper...Hot rod girl with a nasty knitting habit

Your friendly neighborhood Hot Rodding, Rock and Rolling, Knitting Chick! Yeah, I'm fun like that.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Are you ready fr some yarn porn?

Lookie what I got in the mail today!

That there is the single most anticipated yarn arrival at Chez Scrapper ever. And that's also me in my mid cycle, broken out no makeup wearing glory....but at least my latest bang trim looks killer.

That is 400 yards of fingering weight Superwash goodness.
It's from Stitch Jones' Etsy shop. (again I can't get my DAMN hyperlinks working but if you copy and paste you should be able to go there and check out the pornographically beautiful hand dyes she's rockin' over there, chicks from Oregon have the best stuff)
The color way is called "The Trees" and it's hypnotic shades of Neon green, dusty dark green and deep browns that are SCREAMING to be somthing for the world famous Amamda....who wants a Peruvian Chulo super bad...and appreciates all things hand knit even though she's a 17 year old rocker chick.

Anyways lookie what also came!!!!!
A hand beaded stitch marker!
A little giftie from one cool lady who enables my fiber habit!

On a cooking note...the air in the house is a bit on the acidic side...why?
I'm making traditional Sauerbraten from a cookbook that the DSB's mom got when she married his father (a native of Berlin)
It's in anticipation of the slow cooker I purchased on last night. It takes 4 days to marinate and I really want to get good at it so that when we have the DSB's folks over this summer for dinner I can make it and really impress his father with my mad phat Haus Frau have to heat the vinegar, sugar, clove onion marinade then let it cool so the house smells a bit like a pickle factory but I'm so excited to make it! I love Sauerbraten!

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on the knitting front


I've joined hat attack....It's like Sock Wars but with's so on bitches

because Ramblers need face time too!


that's my pride and joy!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Big fat FAIL

So my latest Under the Gun project did not make the deadline.....HOWEVER the weather was nice enough (However shortly so) that I did not require a scarf....I have so many car and knitting photos that I need to post later.
The scarf...allthough I don't dig the pattern it may be a knit that I get alot of wear out of. Now that I'm not under a time crunch I'm gonna knit till I run out of yarn...for the record I'm technically finished today and could cast off so I'd be a day past my UTG date but now I want a Loooong scarf and I went through the stash and noticed I have alot of little 8 yard balls of leftover yarn.
Anywho...GNRS was great...the truck made it's maiden voyage with no real got mad props from drunk girls and a good time was generally had by all and NO RAIN!!!! NEENER!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Under my gun

Almost done with my So Called Car Show scarf...truth be told I'm underwhelmed by the's not that cute...perhaps a good blocking....more to come with photos.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Life in the LBC

So the other day I took a trip to Longbeach with a friend.
While I waited for him to pick out tires I went for a quick walk to a gas station to get a soda and I saw this

The funny thing is that this was one of 3 different Giant Doughnuts I saw in the LBC that day....I wonder what is up with all the giant doughnuts....actaully I don't want to question them for fear that it will make them die....kinda like saying one does not believe in fairies. Anyways I went to a reproduction Ford parts store in another city where I got what I needed with a side order of the "little lady" treatment. Pretty much I got the "How cute she's picking up parts for her boyfriend" treatment "You need a set of taillights? Well I don't know if those are the right ones, What kind of car does your boyfriend have?" I said he has a 31 but I'm buying taillights for MY 36....whatever.

Anyways On to Knitting


My so called scarf..ok this yarn looked way prettier in the hank but I love green and I can't return it since I already wound it into balls.....

I used to hate making scarves...I got this hight and mighty "scarves are for beginners and I am capable of so much more plus I live in L.A I don't need a scarf" bullsh*t attitude. I realised that scarves do serve a purpose...they keep the warm in and scarves are not he easiest thing on earth....scarves take much more of an investment of both time and money than a washcloth and you can get crazy with the stitch patterns with scarves. Scarves are cool plus when I'm fed up with a lace sock I can pick up my slip stich scarf and plus away while watching Intervention.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

What is that pattern.

Ok I'm a totall idiot and I forgot to post what the patterns and yarn are on the last post.

The yarn I used was Lorna's Laces Worsted in color Ice House

the blankie pattern is the Pinwheel Baby Blanket from Knitlist
I can't get my hyper links to work.

the hat is the Little Devil hat pattern from KittyVille

I'm glad people dug the blankie and hat...ok so now all my friends need to start having more babies cause this blanket pattern is so cute and simple but the increases make it look a little bit like lace.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Now with actaul knitting content...and food!

So I FINALLY Uploaded photos of the finished baby blankie.
First I though this was a cute photo of the blanket in it's Soak bath.


I thought it looked kinda cool plus my bath tub was wicked cool looking!

then I blocked the ever loving crap out of it....notice the little baby hat in the corner.


super cool I said the mom to be (Who should be giving birth any second now) loved it and almost cried.

plus....remember these?


Those are the tomatos I grew in the back yard last summer...I froze them and made an AWESOME heirloom tomato soup that I scarfed for dinner last night. i have a picture but for some reason photobucket won't upload it....oh well...and we got some more good news just now but that's another's car related.

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Monday, January 14, 2008


Ok so I went to my friends Baby Shower last night....
I wish I had taken photos it was really fun. She LOVED the blanket and hat I knit...she started to tear up...score one for the thoughtful knit friend.
The best part was the crocheter in the room totally oooh and ahhhed over it. I love craftyness...we made a pact that after the baby was born I get to knit it all kinds of cute baby stuff.
Anyways I totally pigged out on all kinds of yummy food...there were 2 veggie trays and these potato balls that are filled with meat from Portos that are also the most addictive diet breaker on earth..I wasn't even hungry and I had 3 they're that good. My friend J told me that they are the best hangover cure ever....good to know.
Anyways tonight is league bowling...WOOT!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

League Bowling!

Oh I wish I had taken pictures but when you bowl in a league game it's reasonably fast paced.
We joined the Monday Night Practice League at our Local Bowlarama with Kev and's pretty cool and since it's the practice league I'm not the crappiest bowler there. I get 4 free games a week to practice....I think I may flake on the gym today and go bowl a few frames.
We need a team name...
Here are a few we came up with
The Four Barrells
The Four Bangers (we're stock)
The Thundercougarfalconbirds (that one's mine)
Team O'Teen
The Heater in the Truck don't work no more...(don't ask..I was tired and cold)

Also I finished the Under the Gun baby Blanket for the baby shower this Saturday....finished it and started a cute little baby hat with the leftover yarn....this is gonna be one toasty baby.
Pics to follow.

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

New years diet

mmmm baked chicken and veggies....trying to lose 10 pounds before Valentines day so I can wear this vintage Alfred Shasheen dress I won on e-bay.
Actaully some friends of mine throw this party at a bar in Long Beach every year that has an Asian theme and I really want to wear this workouts 3 days a week and baked chicken for me.


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

X-mas and New heavy

Oh my goodness sorry it took so damn long to post this but I am lazy and getting me to upload photos usually takes gentle coaxing from AM and since she wasn't waiting for any photos from me It took a lull in my New Years deep bathroom scrub down to actaully upload them.

X-mas Eve was spent with the DSB's family...I have photos but almost all of them include his niece and nephew and since I'm afraid of internet predators I'm not gonna post pictures of them. It was a blast...we sang x-mas carols while the DSN played piano and warned us that if we didn't put forth enough effort the first time she would make us do it again...she's too cute.
We drank Baileys and Polish Vodka and some really amazing red wine....we opened gifts...I got an icecream attachment for my kitchenaid mixer, and I cried, the DSB's mom is the most thoughtfull women EVER!

The kids got a Nintendo Wii...ever see that commerical with the kids getting a videogame consel and the freak was like that.

X-mas day was spent with my parents....where we prepared

then comsumed large slabs of prime rib and sweet potato pie and didn't sing x-mas carols because everyone in my family is completly tone deaf...we're like the reverse Carter family (June Carter not Nick Carter)

we got bowls with gnomes on them.

And I actaully got some of my Under the Gun knitting project finished.

Baby Blankety Goodness.

New Years eve was at a friends awesome apartment in Silverlake.
Steaks and Shrimp were grilled

Amazing potato casserole was perpared by our awesome hostess as was the fanciest salad I've ever had,....getting it out of the bowl without accidentally flinging it everywhere was a challenge but it was soo yummmmmmm.

It was a blast...also the Truck got a new 9 inch rear end that fit's like a freakin' glove!
Pics to follow...
Happy New Year

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