Are you ready fr some yarn porn?
Lookie what I got in the mail today!
That there is the single most anticipated yarn arrival at Chez Scrapper ever. And that's also me in my mid cycle, broken out no makeup wearing glory....but at least my latest bang trim looks killer.
That is 400 yards of fingering weight Superwash goodness.
It's from Stitch Jones' Etsy shop. (again I can't get my DAMN hyperlinks working but if you copy and paste you should be able to go there and check out the pornographically beautiful hand dyes she's rockin' over there, chicks from Oregon have the best stuff)
The color way is called "The Trees" and it's hypnotic shades of Neon green, dusty dark green and deep browns that are SCREAMING to be somthing for the world famous Amamda....who wants a Peruvian Chulo super bad...and appreciates all things hand knit even though she's a 17 year old rocker chick.
Anyways lookie what also came!!!!!
A hand beaded stitch marker!
A little giftie from one cool lady who enables my fiber habit!
On a cooking note...the air in the house is a bit on the acidic side...why?
I'm making traditional Sauerbraten from a cookbook that the DSB's mom got when she married his father (a native of Berlin)
It's in anticipation of the slow cooker I purchased on last night. It takes 4 days to marinate and I really want to get good at it so that when we have the DSB's folks over this summer for dinner I can make it and really impress his father with my mad phat Haus Frau have to heat the vinegar, sugar, clove onion marinade then let it cool so the house smells a bit like a pickle factory but I'm so excited to make it! I love Sauerbraten!