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Viva Scrapper...Hot rod girl with a nasty knitting habit

Your friendly neighborhood Hot Rodding, Rock and Rolling, Knitting Chick! Yeah, I'm fun like that.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Cleaning.

Ok Since I live in Los Angeles (ok actaully the Valley but Los Angeles County) it's amazing to me I haven't tried one of those Master Cleanses. Since I find the idea of Colonics really gross and weird (I don't think I'd have the spine to let a stranger stick a tube up my butt) and since I'm trying to turn over a new leaf for spring by quitting smoking and curbing my drinking I felt like trying to flush my body a bit.
So I'm sipping my first glass of the lemon, syrup, cayenne pepper swill I'm supposed to live off for the next 5 days....the things says 10 days but I'm a woman of weak fortitude and I'm starting low.
It's not HORRIBLE tasting but it's not somthing I'd crave. I made a big pitcher of it and it's in the fridge. Hopefully the DSB won't see it and go Ooooh Lemonaid since it's really spicy and that would be a rude awakening indeed.
Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I don't know what it is but at this moment right not I have the most AWFULL Heartburn ever. It woke my up last night and no matter how much store brand pink slime I drink it will not go away.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What the Heathens Did

Easter Sunday was a blast...after we shook off the hang over from the BBQ a buddy of mine threw we got all gussied up and headed out to Alpine Village for the Easter brunch with the DSB, his parents, his sister, her husband and their children. We had a big old table. I wish I had taken photos but I was STARVING when we got there and al I really wanted out of life were some potato pancakes and some schnitzel, oh and there was schnitzel galore at this buffet.
Later We came home and just enjoyed the spring time weather...before it gets up to 108 or something unreal this summer.
We grilled sausages and veggies and the DSB and Nick, cause we're all just a bunch of heathens at Chez. Scrapper, watched Rock of Love (Because I know that's what everyone does on their Sundays) and it was a blast. I got a ton of knitting done...I didn't take photos but I am already at the gusset decreases on sock number one.
Anyways Spring is here and that means one thing....
Yeah that's club hosted at Autobooks last Saturday and that was a good enough reason to give the Rambler it's Spring time coat of wax...I even did the wheels which is something I totally forget Every time. I wax in the early spring, once before Paso (Santa Maria this year) then in the Late Fall...give or take. This year I have the truck but it's paint is so shot that wax won't do any good...besides I don't think you're supposed to wax Primer.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hey Scrapper....You SOCK!

These socks suck.
My guage is totally off on the second sock which is strange because I did EVERYTHING the same. I screwed them's a good 3/8" shorter than the first one. I've screwed up ALOT of kintting in my day but these take the cake. I think I was just so desperate to get them off the needles that I skimped on the leg on the second one. DOH!

At least redemption is around the corner.
These there and Manly man socks I'm knitting for the DSB. I figured as they are for him I should pose them with somthing that represents the DSB...the Drill Press (Get you minds out of the gutter ya pervs) Since the DSB is a Machinist and Metal Fabricator by macho huh?
The Yarn is Regia Stretch in navy blue. I'm knitting it on 1's and they are coming out nicely. He's already tried them on...I am doing a little fancy pants shaping as I want them to be perfect or at least wearable as they are taking forever! At the Pub Grub knit night I worked on them while sipping my Carlsberg. I love knitting at the pub.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Anyways....first off I wanted to share this photo of my new bag.
the new bag
I finally broke down and purchased a Large Trophy Queen bag because the DBS stated that all of my car show bags are "Old and dirty and Falling apart" and that I had been talking about it for a while and I'd use it to death so it's worth the hefty price tag and I think he was slightly embarassed by the giant tote I usually carry. I took this photo in a portapotty at the Fomoso Raceway...I'd had a few beers so it seemed like a good idea at the time. Surprisingly the photo came out well.
Last night we watched Dancing with the stars. Normally I don't really watch shows like that but this time is different because the DSB is friends with one of the contestants. I'm not going to go into specifics because it will make it totally obvious who it is but they did dance last night and it's not the guy from Ugly Betty. It was funny because we were TOTALLY getting into it. And also how dreamy is that guy from Ugly Betty?! I mean...woof.
I made corned beef last looks gross in this photo but it was YUMMY!
I also made the best mashed potato's ever....and we know our potato's. We have a party every year dedicated to mashed potato's.
Anyways I'm off...cheers y'all

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Phone

I got a new phone...not to brag or anything. I hate getting a new phone. I hate when people get all obsessed over getting the next newer and better gadget. I had my old phone for almost 4 years. I didn't love it or hate it. It was just a phone. It got calls and had an alarm clock. I could send texts and it got service everywhere.
A few days ago it started shutting off when you closed the phone too hard
then it started shutting off when you opened it It was falling apart and as much as I hated it I decided that I should probably get a new phone.
Dude I have to tell you about the guy that "helped" me at AT&T. Ok, Hello there Capt. Mumbler. He was no help...he pretty much shut down when I said I wasn't interested in an IPhone. He stood there with a blank look on his face while I desperatley tried to pry information out of him. Hey man I only buy a new phone every 4 years or so....which ever phone I walk out of here with is going to be with me for a long time. It's like picking a institution of higher learning, one would like to know what they're getting into for the next 4 years. I wanted somthing that would be practical, a concept that was not familiar to this guy. He kept muttering something about video texting, and I said as that was nice it wasn't a MUST for me...I picked out a phone and asked point blank "Tell me about this phone!"
His Answer "It has a slide screen." Then he kept repeating it reguardless of what I asked.
Me: Is there anything comparable to this model?
Him: Not with a slide screen, this has a slide screen.
Me: I'm aware of the slide screen...I mean like does this have a camera? Play Music? Give handy's at the end of the day WHAT???
Him: It comes in red.

I bought the much as I hate to give the guy comission I needed a new phone. It has a slide screen.

Friday, March 07, 2008

I had a weird dream

I had a really strange dream. I dreamt that a little old man was stalking me and kept trying to break into my house to leave me love letters and when I rejected him he attacked me with a hedge trimmer. But the strange thing was it was an electric hedge trimmer so he could only attack me where the power cord reached, so I would stand like a foot out of his reach and he couldn't get me.....crazy. That's what happens when you eat leftover spaghetti and meatballs at midnight. Anyways

On to some actual knitting content.
I knit 1.5 socks.

This yarn is a hand dye from Lotus Yarns on Etsy. The color way is 7 Nation Army. Honestly I am not thrilled with these socks. I knit them on a size 2 and they really needed to be knit on 1's one 0's Also it may be due to the fact that I am the loosest knitter ever and the socks are a bit slouchy even with only 54 stitches cast the twisted 1x1 ribbing just looks sloppy. I do think I'm going to give these socks to miss Amanda who is a rare beast...a 17 year old that loves and wears anything hand knit reguardless of what it looks like, and appreciates the time and effort that goes into everything hand made....Amanda is awesome, plus she wears the same size shoe as me so she gets alot of hand knit socks. When she goes off to college she's gonna become my care package knitting project.

I honestly can't wait to finish these because I have a skein of Stitch Jones in the stash that I am desperate to knit up. One thing at a time...I'm destashing the sock yarn....after these goes the Stitch Jones then a skein of STR in Onyx then a skein of Lornas Laces in a pink that only a full on prom/drag queen would love (It's called trashy flamingo or somthing like that) but it's awesome and fun to knit with. I started a pair of heart socks with it but they were way too small so I ripped back. I think I may make little fingerless gloves or somthing like that...
The tiki thinks they're tasty.
Other than that I should have an action packed weekend for ya'll on Monday.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Back from the outer zone

I've been slack about my posts lately. I've had a serious bout of stomach flu that laid me up for a while. I did knit alot though....almost a whole sock. I also went to the garmet district and bought fabric and a skein of yarn...the yarn is for a beret I hope to finish by next weekend but I also would like to finsh the socks as well. Also we have undergone a ton of canges around's fun and exciting but a bit scary at the same time. Anyways photos will be up asap.