So I've been tagged by
this chick!!!!! I've never really been tagged before unless you count the time Debbie tagged me and I never reposted it cause I suck like that
What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was a freshman in college, living in a dorm in Savannah GA and dating a big douche bag that didn't shower and was really into black metal.
Five snacks I enjoy:
1) leftover chinese food
2) Baked Ruffles
2) Blue Diamond Almonds (all varieties)
3) Pickles
4) Cheese and crackers
5) Olives
Five things on my to-do list today:
1) Pick up the Vaccum from the repair shop
2) Hang shades in Bedroom
3) Water the veggies in the garden (seriously I have a system)
4) Work out
5) return the video to Blockbuster
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1) Pay for Amandas college even though she's totally ungrateful
2) Move to a bigger house in a better neighborhood
3) Build Super Garage at said bigger nicer house
4) Build the 34 pickup that's hanging out in the backyard
5) 36 ford coupe
Five jobs I've had:
1) Waitress
2) Administrative Assistant
3) Salesgirl at an Adult toy store (fake wang slinger)
4) Makeup Artist
5)Smoothie slinger
Five of my bad habits:
1) I smoke...alot
2) I think I'm funny and I'll try and prove it to you.
3) I sleepwalk....alot. I don't know if it's a habit but it's annoying waking up in the hall closet or back yard.
4) I bite my nails
5) I tend to panic for no good reason....yeah I'm fun fun fun
Five places I have lived:
1) Sierra Madre
2) Los Feliz
3) SilverLake
4) Savannah, GA
5) North Hollywood, CA
Everyone I would tag has been tagged by the previous tagger....
Amber from Norfolk?